Beyond the fact that this region is tightly related with summer and the various beach resorts on the East of the country, getting inland means finding many agricultural venues and estancias that provide visitors the chance to enjoy the Uruguayan gaucho’s daily routine and learn about the customs and experiences based on rural life philosophy.
The Beaches Corridor
- Bellavista
- R. Interb. Km. 87 - Sierra de Animas Cel: (+ 598) 9-4382387 email
- Posada Azul Profundo
José Ignacio
- R. 10 Km 184 - Camino Las Arenas Tel: (+ 598) 4480-6132 email
- Vik
José Ignacio
- Laguna José Ignacio Cel: (+ 598) 9-4605314 email
By Alfredo Zitarrosa
Do not forget your hometown
If you’re leaving for the city,
The farther you go
The more you must remember.
It is true that there are many things
That cannot be forgotten,
But some are forgotten
And others are just things.
Do not pack your case
With what you’re not gonna need,
The roads are longer
For those who carry heavy weights.
Now that you’re young
And already smoke like a grown-up,
Don’t ever change your way
Even if you can’t afford smoking.
And if you feel sad
When you look back,
Do not forget that the way
Works for those who come and those who go.
Do not forget your hometown
If you’re leaving for the city,
The farther you go
The more you must remember.
The farther you go
The more you must remember.