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WINES of Uruguay

Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon

Due to its great capacity of adaptation to all kinds of weather, Cabernet sauvignon is considered the king of red varieties. Its grape, native from Bordeaux, France, produces a wine with remarkable acidity, sharp and with a strong presence of tannins. Once matured, it turns out to be a tasty wine with full body. It has intense colors and a complex aroma of fruit, cinnamon, coffee and peppers.

In Uruguay, all wineries make this wine, ideal to accompany meat, sauce and pasta. As it matures late, the ideal environment to grow this grape is made up by temperate areas with soft falls.

Welcome Uruguay - Touristic Information about Wines of Uruguay
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In Welcome Uruguay, museums are a part of the philosophy of every dweller. Therefore, they represent a tourist attraction for visitors to this beautiful destination. This section features the venues located all throughout the three regions that make up the country and invite visitors to the website to get immersed in their particular world.

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Uruguay features a rich geography teeming with varied sceneries which range from small hills and hot spring paradises to the most exclusive beaches and cities where culture co-exists with tourism perfectly. Search for the photograph of your next destination and discover where it was taken.

Interpatagonia S.A.
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